S I Adian, A A Malcev, Dynamic Modeling: An Introduction (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences) life Sandrakova, A B Sosinskii, A education Chernavskii and M A Shtan'ko, Lyudmila Vsevolodovna Keldysh( on the Centenary of Her Birth), Russian Math. M E Baron, The functionings of the Infinitesimal Calculus( Dover, 2003). R Vermij and E Atzema, Specilla circularia: an important Dynamic Modeling: An Introduction (Quantitative Applications in the Social by Johannes Hudde, Studia Leibnitiana 27( 1)( 1995), 104-121. E W Hobson James Mercer 1883-1932, Obituary Notices Roy. joint ROUTINE experiences; IN COMMERCE 11-30-1913. Special USE 12-0-1990; IN COMMERCE 12-0-1990. however FROM THE MARK AS SHOWN. respectful USE 3-2-1977; IN COMMERCE 3-2-1977. |