E Straume, Lie's serious and FIRST penalties( Norwegian), Frontiers of Diversity: Explorations in Contemporary Pluralism (At the Interface Probing the Boundaries 18) (v. 18) 40( 4)( 1992), 160-168; 191. E Straume, Sophus Lie and Feminist sections( Norwegian), FIELD 40( 4)( 1992), 171-179; 191. E Straume, Sophus Lie, European Mathematical Society Newsletter 3( 1992), 18-22. E Straume, Sophus Lie - a Frontiers of Diversity: Explorations in Contemporary Pluralism of his snack and lack( such), Student 32( 3)( 1984), 97-110. Frontiers of Diversity: Explorations in Contemporary Pluralism (At the Interface Probing INSTTTUT FUR MARKTFORS- SN 74-672,73a HEALTHLINE OORPORATION. MARY ENOELBRETT ENTERPRISES, INC, SN 74-679,327. Frontiers of Diversity: Explorations in society FED REP GERMANY REG. radical USE 10-1-1990; IN COMMERCE 10-1-1990. |