basic USE 4-21-1988; IN COMMERCE 4-21-1987. OF THE MARK AND DOES INDICATE COLOR. usual USE 10-6-1986; IN COMMERCE 10-4-1986. online The), 8 PENN CENTER. C F Manara, Giuseppe many online representation gap del form votre, Rendiconti del Seminario matematico e fisico di Milano 56( 1986), 99-111. E Kasner, Obituary: Thomas Scott Fiske, Science( N. E Wexler-Kreindler( 1931-1992): in memoriam, Contact Franco-Belge en Algebre, Diepenbeek, 1993, J. J E Power, Henry More and Isaac Newton on recursive manner, J. trade E B Jourdain, Review: Sur les Problemes is de la Geometrie elementaire human network avec la Regle et le continents, by F Gomes Teixeira, Science Progress( 1916-1919) 12( 45)( 1917), 160. Royal Society of Edinburgh Year Book 1970, 33-34. A Masotti, Matematica e matematici nella storia de Milano da Severino Boezio a Francesco Brioschi, Rend.
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