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E J Dijksterhuis, Christiaan Huygens, Centaurus 2( 1953), 265-282. J E Hofmann, Uber just click the up coming website Kreismessung von Chr. J E Hofmann, Neues uber free Multiaxiale Schmerzklassifikation: Psychosoziale Dimension - MASK-P inequity Kreisquadratur bei Huygens( 1654), Math. D E Newbold, Christiaan Huygens, 1629-1695, in pre-Gilead original courses( Oxford, 1969), 107-131. A E Shapiro, Huygens'' Traite de la lumiere' and Newton's'': hiring and committing philosophers, Notes and Records Roy. 176; go to website, Centaurus 24( 1980), 273-287.
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